Getting your first client as a freelancer: The ONLY guide you ever need!

Table of Contents


Are you ready to take the leap into the world of freelancing, armed with your skills, passion, and a burning desire for independence? Congratulations on embarking on this exhilarating journey! As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work on your own terms, explore your passions, and unlock a world of limitless possibilities.

However, let’s address the elephant in the room: landing your first client. While the thought may be daunting, securing that initial client is a pivotal moment that can set the stage for your thriving freelance career. It’s that magical spark that ignites your confidence, establishes your reputation, and propels you toward success.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discover the mystery behind obtaining your first client as a freelancer. We’ll dive into actionable strategies, practical tips, and proven methods to help you navigate this exciting milestone with ease. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and uncover the path to securing your first client!

Getting your first client as a freelancer

Building a strong portfolio

One of the most crucial steps in securing your first client as a freelancer is to build an impressive portfolio. Your portfolio serves as a visual representation of your skills, expertise, and creativity. It showcases what you’re capable of and helps potential clients gauge the value you can bring to their projects. Let’s explore some effective ways to create a portfolio that leaves a lasting impression:

1. Personal Website:

Having a personal website is like having a virtual storefront that’s open 24/7. It provides you with a dedicated space to showcase your work, share your story, and establish your brand as a freelancer. When creating your website, consider the following tips:

– Choose a clean and professional design: Opt for a layout that highlights your work without overwhelming the visitor. Keep it visually appealing and easy to navigate.

– Organize your work thoughtfully: Select a few of your best projects that represent your skills and expertise. Categorize them logically and provide a brief description for each project.

– Include an about page: Introduce yourself, share your background, and explain your passion for freelancing. Make it relatable and let your personality shine through.

– Testimonials and client feedback: If you have worked with clients in the past, request testimonials from them. Displaying positive feedback can build trust and credibility.


Medium is an excellent platform for freelancers to showcase their expertise through writing. You can create a Medium profile and publish articles that demonstrate your knowledge and insights in your niche. Here’s how you can make the most of Medium:

– Write informative articles: Share your expertise, tips, and industry insights. Aim to provide value to your readers and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

– Use relevant tags: Tag your articles with relevant keywords to improve their discoverability on Medium and search engines.

– Engage with the community: Interact with other writers, leave thoughtful comments, and join publications related to your niche. Building a network on Medium can help you gain exposure and attract potential clients.

3. Google Sites (Free Alternative):

If you’re looking for a free alternative to a personal website, Google Sites can be a valuable option. It allows you to create a simple and professional-looking portfolio without any coding knowledge. Consider the following tips when using Google Sites:

– Choose a clean template: Select a template that aligns with your style and highlights your work effectively.

– Customize your pages: Create separate pages for different types of work, such as design, writing, or photography. Include a brief description and visuals for each project.

– Optimize for search engines: Use relevant keywords in your page titles, descriptions, and headings to improve visibility in search results.

Remember, your portfolio is an evolving entity. Continuously update it with your latest and best work as you progress in your freelance career. Quality over quantity is key, so showcase the projects that truly reflect your skills and align with your target clients’ needs.

By utilizing a personal website, Medium, or Google Sites, you’ll have a compelling portfolio that sets you apart from the competition and entices potential clients to work with you. Now, let’s move on to the next step in acquiring your first client as a freelancer: developing a professional online presence.

Entering the marketplace as a beginner freelancer

Once you have established a strong portfolio, it’s time to explore the vast world of freelance platforms. These online marketplaces connect freelancers like yourself with clients seeking their services. Here are some popular freelance platforms to consider:

Fiverr and Upwork are two of the most popular freelance platforms that connect freelancers with clients worldwide. Here’s an overview of what they are and why they have gained significant popularity:

1. Fiverr:

Fiverr is an online marketplace that operates on a “gig” model, where freelancers offer specific services starting at $5 (hence the name “Fiverr”). However, Fiverr has evolved beyond its initial concept, and freelancers now have the flexibility to set their own prices for different service packages. Fiverr offers a wide range of services, including graphic design, writing, programming, digital marketing, and more. Here’s why Fiverr has become popular:

– Accessibility: Fiverr provides a user-friendly platform that is accessible to freelancers of all skill levels and experience. It allows anyone with marketable skills to create a profile and start offering services, making it an inclusive platform.

– Gig Model: Fiverr’s gig-based approach simplifies the process for freelancers and clients. Clients can easily browse through different services, select a gig that meets their requirements, and place an order. For freelancers, the gig model provides a structured way to offer their services and attract clients.

– Diverse Services: Fiverr accommodates a wide variety of services, catering to the needs of clients across different industries. Whether it’s logo design, content writing, video editing, or voice-over work, freelancers can find opportunities to showcase their expertise.

– Review and Rating System: Fiverr has a robust review and rating system that allows clients to provide feedback and rate freelancers based on their experience. Positive reviews and high ratings contribute to a freelancer’s credibility and help attract more clients.

– Seller Tools and Support: Fiverr provides freelancers with various tools and resources to enhance their gig listings, such as video introductions, portfolio showcases, and promotional features. The platform also offers customer support and dispute resolution services to ensure a positive experience for both freelancers and clients.

2. Upwork:

Upwork is a freelance platform that facilitates the connection between freelancers and clients through a bidding system. Clients post projects, and freelancers submit proposals to win the project. Here’s why Upwork has gained popularity:

– Wide Range of Skills: Upwork covers a vast array of skills and industries, including web development, writing, graphic design, marketing, and more. This diversity attracts clients from various sectors, providing freelancers with a broad range of potential projects.

– Bidding System: Upwork’s bidding system allows freelancers to showcase their skills and experience by submitting tailored proposals for projects. It offers an opportunity for freelancers to compete for projects based on their expertise and rates.

– Global Client Base: Upwork connects freelancers with clients from around the world. This global reach opens doors to international opportunities and allows freelancers to work with clients from different countries and cultures.

– Workroom Collaboration: Upwork provides a collaborative workroom where freelancers and clients can communicate, share files, and track progress on projects. This streamlined workflow enhances productivity and facilitates effective project management.

– Payment Protection: Upwork offers payment protection for freelancers by ensuring that funds are held securely in escrow before the project begins. This helps build trust between freelancers and clients, ensuring fair compensation for completed work.

– Upwork Pro and Enterprise: Upwork also offers specialized services like Upwork Pro and Upwork Enterprise, which cater to larger businesses and provide access to high-quality freelancers with specialized skills.

The popularity of Fiverr and Upwork can be attributed to their user-friendly platforms, diverse service offerings, global reach, and robust systems for ensuring quality and payment protection. Whether you’re a freelancer looking to offer specific services on Fiverr or bid on projects

In addition to well-known freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, there are several lesser-known freelance marketplaces that offer unique opportunities for freelancers. Here’s a list of 10 such platforms that you can explore:

1. Toptal: Toptal is an exclusive platform that connects top freelancers with clients seeking high-quality talent. It focuses on software development, design, and finance professionals.

2. Guru: Guru is a flexible platform that allows freelancers to create profiles, showcase their portfolios, and bid on various projects across different categories.

3. 99designs: If you specialize in graphic design, 99designs is a platform specifically tailored for you. It offers opportunities to work on logo design, web design, packaging, and other visual projects.

4. PeoplePerHour: PeoplePerHour is a UK-based platform that connects freelancers with small businesses and startups. It covers a wide range of services, including writing, design, marketing, and programming.

5. TaskRabbit: TaskRabbit is a platform focused on local freelance services. It enables freelancers to offer their skills for tasks such as cleaning, handyman services, personal assistance, and more.

6. FlexJobs: FlexJobs is a subscription-based platform that provides remote and flexible job opportunities for freelancers across various industries, including writing, marketing, design, and customer service.

7. DesignCrowd: Similar to 99designs, DesignCrowd is a crowdsourcing platform for graphic designers. Freelancers can participate in design contests and compete for projects.

8. Upstack: Upstack is a platform exclusively for freelance software developers and engineers. It connects freelancers with remote development opportunities with startups and tech companies.

9. WriterAccess: WriterAccess is a marketplace that focuses on connecting businesses with freelance writers. It offers content creation and copywriting services across various industries.

10. Twine: Twine is a platform for creative freelancers, including designers, musicians, animators, and videographers. It facilitates collaboration and connects freelancers with clients looking for creative services.

These lesser-known freelance marketplaces offer unique opportunities for freelancers to explore and diversify their client base. Remember to research each platform, understand their payment structure, terms, and conditions before signing up. Building a presence on multiple platforms can increase your chances of finding the right clients and projects that align with your skills and interests.

Mastering Freelance Platforms:

Freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and LinkedIn offer immense opportunities for connecting with clients and growing your freelance business. To truly excel on these platforms, it’s essential to go beyond the basics. Let’s dive into specific strategies that will set you apart from the competition and maximize your chances of success on each platform:



•Craft targeted proposals: Instead of using generic templates, take the time to understand the client’s needs and tailor your proposals accordingly. Highlight specific skills, relevant experience, and how you can add value to their project. Stand out by showcasing your unique approach or ideas.

•Optimize your profile and portfolio: Upwork’s algorithm considers factors like profile completeness and client satisfaction. Take advantage of this by completing all sections of your profile, including certifications, skills, and work history. Regularly update your portfolio with your latest and most impressive work samples to attract potential clients.

•Leverage Upwork Connects wisely: Upwork Connects are the virtual currency used to submit proposals. Instead of indiscriminately applying to every job, be strategic. Focus on projects that align with your expertise and have a higher likelihood of conversion. Craft personalized proposals that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the project and the client’s needs.

•Cultivate long-term client relationships: Building long-term relationships is crucial on Upwork. By consistently delivering exceptional work, communicating effectively, and demonstrating reliability, you can earn repeat projects and positive client reviews. Prioritize client satisfaction, and go the extra mile to exceed their expectations.



•Craft a captivating gig description: Your gig description should be concise, engaging, and highlight the unique value you bring to the table. Clearly communicate the benefits of your service, your expertise, and any extras or packages you offer. Use persuasive language to entice potential clients and stand out from the competition.

•Offer outstanding customer service: Promptly respond to client inquiries, demonstrate professionalism, and provide excellent customer service throughout the entire process. Actively communicate with your clients, keeping them updated on the progress of their project and addressing any concerns they may have promptly.

•Utilize video intros: Fiverr allows you to create video introductions for your gigs. Capitalize on this feature to showcase your personality, expertise, and passion for your work. A well-crafted video can build trust, establish a personal connection with potential clients, and set you apart from those who rely solely on text descriptions.

•Leverage gig extras strategically: Fiverr allows you to offer additional services or packages as gig extras. Thoughtfully design extras that complement your main service and provide added value to clients. These extras can help increase your average order value and give clients more options to choose from

Leveraging Linkedin to land your first client

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for networking and establishing valuable connections with potential clients. To leverage LinkedIn effectively and secure your first client as a freelancer, let’s explore some advanced strategies:

1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile:


– Create a compelling headline: Craft a headline that captures attention and clearly communicates your expertise and the value you offer. Use relevant keywords to increase the visibility of your profile in search results.

– Craft a captivating summary: Your summary should highlight your unique selling points, showcase your skills and experience, and provide a glimpse into your personality. Make it engaging and focused on the problems you can solve for clients.

– Showcase your best work: Utilize LinkedIn’s “Featured” section to display your portfolio, link to your personal website, or attach relevant work samples. Visuals and examples of your work can impress potential clients and demonstrate your capabilities.

2. Connect strategically:


– Research your target clients: Identify your ideal clients and research them thoroughly. Understand their industries, pain points, and goals. This knowledge will help you tailor your approach and conversations when reaching out.

– Personalize connection requests: Instead of using generic connection requests, take the time to personalize each request. Mention specific reasons for connecting, such as common interests, mutual connections, or admiration for their work. This personalized approach increases the chances of acceptance.

– Engage with relevant content: Like, comment, and share posts and articles related to your niche. Contribute valuable insights and initiate conversations. This not only helps you establish your expertise but also increases your visibility among potential clients.

3. Publish valuable content:


– Create thought-provoking articles: LinkedIn’s publishing platform allows you to showcase your knowledge and expertise by sharing informative and insightful articles. Write about topics that resonate with your target clients, addressing their pain points and offering practical solutions.

– Utilize rich media: Incorporate visually appealing and interactive elements into your posts, such as infographics, images, and videos. This helps to grab attention and engage your audience effectively.

– Leverage LinkedIn’s native video feature: Record and share short videos offering tips, advice, or showcasing your work. Videos tend to attract more engagement and can help you stand out in a crowded feed.

4. Actively participate in LinkedIn groups:


– Join industry-specific groups: Identify and join LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your niche or target clients. Engage in discussions, offer valuable insights, and answer questions. This positions you as an expert and allows you to connect with potential clients who are actively seeking solutions.

– Start meaningful conversations: Initiate discussions within groups by asking thought-provoking questions or sharing relevant industry news. This helps you gain visibility, establish your authority, and build connections with potential clients.

– Direct message group members: After engaging in group discussions, if you identify potential clients or individuals who can refer you to clients, send them personalized messages. Be respectful, genuine, and explain how you can help them or their network.

By optimizing your profile, strategically connecting with potential clients, publishing valuable content, and actively participating in LinkedIn groups, you can position yourself as an expert and attract your first client as a freelancer. Remember to focus on building relationships and offering value rather than just promoting your services. Consistency and authenticity are key to success on LinkedIn.

Getting your first client as a freelancer

How to use Coldmailing to land your first client

In addition to utilizing freelance platforms and networking on social media, cold emailing can be an effective strategy for landing your first client as a freelancer. While it may seem daunting, a well-crafted cold email can capture the attention of potential clients and open doors to new opportunities. Here are some specific strategies to help you leverage cold emailing successfully:

1. Research your prospects:

Before sending a cold email, invest time in researching your prospects. Gain insights into their business, projects, challenges, and goals. This information will allow you to personalize your email and demonstrate your understanding of their needs. Look for common connections, recent news, or industry trends that you can reference in your email to establish a connection.

2. Craft a compelling subject line:

The subject line is the first impression of your email, so make it count. Keep it concise, attention-grabbing, and personalized to the recipient. A subject line that highlights a specific benefit, poses a question, or piques curiosity can significantly increase the open rate of your email.

3. Personalize your email:

Generic and impersonal emails are likely to be ignored or deleted. Tailor each email to the recipient by addressing them by name and referring to specific details you learned during your research. Personalization shows that you’ve taken the time to understand their business and makes the email feel more genuine.

4. Start with a compelling introduction:

In the opening paragraph, clearly state who you are, your area of expertise, and why you are reaching out to them specifically. Focus on how you can add value or solve a problem they may be facing. Demonstrate your knowledge and establish credibility to capture their interest right from the start.

5. Highlight relevant experience and achievements:

In the body of your email, briefly showcase your relevant experience, notable achievements, or successful projects that align with their needs. Use concise language and bullet points to make it easy for the recipient to grasp the value you can bring to their business.

6. Offer a personalized solution:

Tailor your email to address a specific pain point or challenge that the recipient might be facing. Show how your skills, expertise, or services can provide a solution and bring tangible results. Paint a picture of how their business could benefit from working with you.

7. Include social proof and testimonials:

To build trust and credibility, consider including a testimonial or a brief case study that demonstrates the positive impact you’ve had on previous clients or projects. Social proof can greatly influence a potential client’s decision to work with you.

8. Call to action (CTA):

End your email with a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage the recipient to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a call, setting up a meeting, or requesting more information. Make it easy for them to respond by providing your contact information and availability.

9. Follow up:

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t receive an immediate response. Follow up with a polite and concise email after a few days or a week. A friendly reminder can bring your email back to their attention and show your persistence and genuine interest in working with them.

Remember, personalization, relevance, and a clear value proposition are crucial when sending cold emails. Keep your emails concise, professional, and focused on how you can solve the recipient’s problems or fulfill their needs. With careful research, thoughtful customization, and persistence, cold emailing can be a powerful tool for securing your first client as a freelancer.


uilding a strong portfolio, leveraging freelance platforms, networking on social media, and embracing cold emailing are all valuable strategies that can pave the way for your success. Remember, the journey of freelancing may have its ups and downs, but with perseverance and the right mindset, you can achieve your goals.

Don’t be discouraged by initial rejections or setbacks. Instead, view them as stepping stones towards growth and improvement. Success rarely happens overnight, but with dedication and a relentless pursuit of excellence, you can turn your freelance aspirations into a thriving reality.

Remember, you have unique skills, talents, and perspectives to offer the world. Believe in yourself and the value you bring to the table. Stay motivated, stay focused, and never stop honing your craft.

You have got this!


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