Cold outreach simplified : How to get clients through cold emails

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Want to learn about Cold outreach? With so many digital contact tools out there, like LinkedIn and Twitter, it’s never been easier for people looking for work to get in touch with employers and find relevant jobs. In spite of all the different digital options, there is still one way of communicating that can’t be ignored: Cold Emails. In this article, we are going to talk about Cold outreach simplified and make you a master at reaching out to famous people. 


What is Cold Outreach?

Cold outreach is basically skill of personally talking to people you have never met before in order to start a professional and useful conversation.

Imagine that you’ve worked hard on your skills, your portfolio, and your cover letter in order to get your dream gig. You’re ready to act. There is a catch, though. You’ve sent a lot of cold emails to managers, but there’s been no response. This is a frustrating situation that  many freelancers know very well.

Don’t be afraid; this piece is your light. This guide will not only help you write an email that stands out from the hundreds that recruiters get every week, but it will also get a reaction from the person who receives it. 

Why Cold Outreach is Vital for Freelancers

As a freelancer navigating the dynamic and competitive landscape of the gig economy, cold emailing can be your secret weapon for several compelling reasons:

1. Cost-Effectiveness:

For freelancers who often operate on limited budgets, cold emailing offers an incredibly cost-effective way to reach potential clients. Unlike traditional advertising or marketing campaigns that can burn a hole in your pocket, sending cold emails is relatively inexpensive. It requires minimal investment in tools and resources, making it an ideal choice for freelancers looking to maximize their ROI.

2. Scalability

Freelancers can harness the power of scalability through cold emailing. With the ability to send emails to a large number of prospects simultaneously, you can extend your reach far beyond what traditional networking or word-of-mouth referrals might offer. This scalability is especially advantageous when you’re seeking multiple clients or projects to sustain your freelancing career.

3. Personalization: 

Cold emailing allows you to craft personalized messages tailored to the specific needs and interests of each recipient. Unlike generic mass-marketing approaches, personalized emails demonstrate that you’ve taken the time to understand your potential client’s requirements. This personal touch can significantly increase your chances of engagement and conversion, as clients are more likely to respond positively to messages that address their unique pain points.

4. Data Collection:

One of the unsung benefits of cold emailing for freelancers is the wealth of data it provides. By tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your outreach efforts. This data-driven approach empowers you to refine your email strategies, identify what works best, and continuously improve your chances of landing lucrative freelance gigs.

Cold emailing isn’t just a communication method; it’s a strategic tool that can help freelancers thrive in a competitive market. Its cost-effectiveness, scalability, personalization potential, and data-driven insights make it an indispensable part of a freelancer’s arsenal for securing clients and building a successful freelance career.

My cold outreach strategy

Now that we’ve explored the importance of personalized cold emailing and how to craft attention-grabbing messages, let’s delve into my cold outreach strategy. This section will provide you with a practical blueprint for executing successful cold email campaigns.

1. Tailored “From” Lines:

The first step in my cold outreach strategy involves meticulous attention to detail, starting with the “From” line. This is the sender’s identity and the recipient’s initial point of contact. Instead of using a generic “From” line, I employ a personalized approach. For instance, if the email’s tone is informal, I might use just my first name and company name. However, for a more formal approach, I include my full name and job title. This approach immediately establishes a sense of familiarity and professionalism.

2. Compelling Subject Lines:

The subject line of your cold email is your first and perhaps only chance to entice the recipient to open your message. Rather than making it about me or my services, I ensure that it revolves around the recipient’s interests and needs. By addressing a potential benefit or addressing a specific pain point, I aim to pique their curiosity and convince them that opening the email is worthwhile. Testing various subject lines through A/B testing helps identify the ones that generate the highest open rates.

3. Captivating Introductions

 Holding the recipient’s attention is crucial in the world of cold emailing. In my strategy, I emphasize brevity in the introduction, limiting it to no more than three sentences. The focus is not on introducing myself or my services immediately, but on demonstrating an understanding of the recipient’s challenges, industry, and goals. This approach creates a valuable connection and shows that I’ve taken the time to tailor the message to their specific situation.

4. Value-Centric Main Body

 Cold emails are not sales pitches; they are opportunities to build relationships with potential clients. Rather than bombarding the recipient with a list of my product’s features, I concentrate on showcasing the value I can provide. I often employ storytelling to illustrate how my services can alleviate their problems. Sharing relevant success stories offers potential clients a clear picture of what I offer and how I can assist them.

5. Clear Calls to Action (CTA) and Trustworthy Signatures

To encourage recipients to take action, I keep my CTA concise, focusing on a single, actionable step. Clarity is key; there’s no room for ambiguity. Additionally, my email signature is well-crafted and contains essential information while avoiding unnecessary clutter.

Incorporating these elements into my cold outreach strategy has consistently yielded positive results. It’s a method that prioritizes personalization, engagement, and value, ultimately leading to more fruitful interactions with potential clients. By adapting and refining this approach based on recipient responses and campaign data, I continually improve my cold email outreach efforts and increase the likelihood of securing new clients.



Cold outreach simplified

Cold outreach examples

Here are three templates for great cold emails for you to use:

1. Personalized Value Proposition:


Subject: [Prospect’s Name], Discover a Solution for [Prospect’s Pain Point]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I noticed [mention something specific about the recipient’s situation, like their recent achievement or industry challenge]. I’ve had the privilege of working with [similar companies/individuals] facing similar challenges, and I wanted to reach out to see if I could offer some insights.

At [Your Company], we specialize in [briefly describe your solution and its key benefits]. Our clients have seen impressive results, including [mention specific results or success stories].

I’d love the opportunity to discuss how we could tailor our services to [Prospect’s Company] and help you achieve [their goals]. Could we schedule a brief call at your convenience?

Thank you for your time, [Your Name]

2. Friendly Inquiry:


Subject: Quick Question about [Prospect’s Area of Interest]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I came across your profile and noticed your interest in [mention something from the recipient’s profile or recent activity]. I wanted to reach out and ask if you’d be open to a quick chat.

I run a [Your Company] and we’ve been helping [similar companies/individuals] achieve [mention specific results or benefits]. I believe we might have some valuable insights to share with you.

Would you be available for a short call sometime this week? I promise to keep it concise and focused on how we can help you.

Looking forward to connecting, [Your Name]

3. Competitive Edge:


Subject: Gain a Competitive Edge with [Your Solution]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this message finds you in good health. I couldn’t help but notice that [Prospect’s Company] is using [mention a competitor’s product or service]. While [Competitor’s Product] is undoubtedly a strong choice, I’d like to introduce you to [Your Solution].

We offer a similar solution, but with a unique advantage—[highlight a key differentiator]. Our clients, including major names like [mention prominent clients], have seen remarkable results, such as [mention specific outcomes].

I’d love to explore how our solution can benefit [Prospect’s Company]. Would you be available for a brief call this week to discuss further?

Thank you for considering, [Your Name]

Feel free to adapt these templates to your specific needs, inserting your company details and customizing them further for your target audience. Personalization and relevance are key to successful cold emails.

Do's and Don'ts in Cold Outreach

Cold outreach can be a powerful tool for expanding your network, securing new clients, or fostering valuable partnerships. However, it’s essential to approach it with finesse and respect for your recipients’ time and preferences. Here, we’ll delve into the critical do’s and don’ts of cold outreach, drawing from valuable insights.


  • Know Your Recipient: Take the time to understand your recipient’s background, interests, and pain points. Personalize your message to show that you’ve done your homework and genuinely care about their needs.
  • Identify the Right Contact: Ensure that you’re reaching out to the appropriate person within a company or institute. Having the correct contact information is crucial, and it should come from a reliable source.
  • Mind the Timing: Pay attention to when your email reaches the recipient. Aim to send it during office hours, preferably in the morning on weekdays. Avoid Mondays, as they tend to be busy.
  • Conciseness is Key: Keep your email concise and to the point. Respect your recipient’s time by delivering your message succinctly.
  • Use Proper Salutations: Begin your email with a respectful and appropriate salutation. Address the recipient by their name or title if possible.
  • Be Specific About Your Intent: Clearly state what you want from the recipient. Whether it’s a partnership, collaboration, or job opportunity, be transparent about your goals.
  • Introduce Yourself: Provide a brief but informative introduction, including your name, course, department, institute, and any relevant background information.
  • Highlight Mutual Benefits: Emphasize how the recipient and you can mutually benefit from the interaction. Explain how your proposal can bring value to both parties.
  • Express Enthusiasm: Showcase your genuine enthusiasm and desire to work, collaborate, or learn from the recipient. Authentic enthusiasm can be contagious.
  • Maintain Politeness: Keep a polite and respectful tone throughout your email. Courtesy goes a long way in making a positive impression.
  • Propose Next Steps: Suggest a clear and polite way to proceed with your request. Whether it’s scheduling a call, continuing the conversation via email, or having a brief discussion, seek the recipient’s convenience.
  • Validation Through Links: If applicable, validate your projects or work by including hyperlinks to your GitHub, LinkedIn, or other relevant profiles. Make it easy for the recipient to verify your credentials.
  • CV Attachment: If you’re sending a job-related cold email, attach your CV using a hyperlink. This ensures easy access for the recipient.


  • Avoid Overselling: Resist the urge to oversell your product, service, or skills in your initial cold email. Focus on building a connection first.
  • One Contact at a Time: Do not contact multiple people from the same company or institute simultaneously. This can create a negative impression and damage your reputation.
  • No Pressure Tactics: Never attempt to force the recipient into making a quick decision. Allow them the time and space to consider your proposal.
  • Don’t Suggest Dates and Times: Instead of suggesting a specific date and time for a meeting, inquire about the recipient’s convenience. This approach is more considerate.
  • Avoid Desperation: Refrain from sounding desperate in your emails. Maintain a professional and composed tone.
  • Limited Follow-Ups: Do not inundate the recipient with frequent follow-up emails. Give them time to respond, and limit your follow-ups to one or two respectful reminders.

By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your cold outreach efforts while maintaining professionalism and respect in your interactions.

Cold outreach simplified


In the world of business, opportunities often knock softly, and sometimes, they don’t knock at all. Cold outreach, when executed strategically and thoughtfully, can be the key to opening doors that lead to new clients, collaborations, and meaningful connections.

Remember that cold outreach is not merely about filling inboxes; it’s about forging genuine relationships and providing value to both parties involved. It’s about expressing your enthusiasm and desire to collaborate or learn, all while respecting the recipient’s time and preferences.


NB: There could be some affiliate links on this blog post. If you take any action or buy any service through these links, my website is supported without any extra cost for you. Thanks to anyone who supports this website anyway. 

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